About Us

Learn Quran Online any time any where Basic Tajweed, Advance Tajweed, Quran Reading, Quran Memorization. Learning the Holy Quran Online is a new idea, as it is one of the dynamic distance learning tools. It is more effective than the face to face learning. We provide software for voice and visual communication, that create an interactive one on one session which makes the learning process much better than the live in person. Especially, it is very interesting for ladies and kids. The Quran teacher or Quran tutor gives very good instructions of Tajweed helps you and your kids to learn the Holy Quran with very interesting way. We have English, Urdu and Arabic speaking Quran teachers . Our courses are Quran Memorization, Fluent Quran Reading, Basic Tajweed, Advance Tajweed, Tafseer, and Daily Islamic Supplication online.

Start learning Quran with 3 easy steps:



We have designed the courses considering the age, and abilities of students. We have also designed special courses for kids and beginners in which they initiate the learning process from Qaida which is the best guide to start reading the Holy Quran. We emphasize the Tajweed rules from the very beginning. Our teachers help the student correctly pronounce the Arabic words and enable them to recite Tajweed intuitively.

As we are all well aware of the fact that online teaching sessions are more challenging in person. Hence, all our Quran courses are conducted one-to-one to make it more comprehensive. Furthermore, our courses include Qaida, Reading Quran, Advance Tajweed, Translation of the Quran, Tafsir, Quran Memorization, and Arabic classes. We also teach Salah, Kalima, Hadeeth, and Dua’s to kids in the entire course.